Weekend Coffee Share; Time Flies, June 22, 2024

Welcome to my weekend coffee share. Can I get you something refreshing? Ice tea or ice coffee maybe? Or a strawberry lemonade? It is HOT! We are almost 100F today, it’s summertime. It has taken months for it to be this hot so I am not complaining. I also can’t complain because we have very low humidity at 29%, so thankful as I know there are plenty of people living in high humidity with the high temps. I’ve been super busy and I have to say that I’ve been away for so long I have gotten out of the habit of writing! Darn it all, as I love to share but when you don’t keep up then I feel a bit overwhelmed wondering where I should start as I tend to want to share everything! I feel like I could write a novel! HAHA!

Usually once I start typing and the thoughts start flowing then I can get into a groove and my story unfolds of what’s been happening in my life. I’ll start with a project my eldest sister wanted to make for a family member I won’t name because it’s a surprise for an event or celebration. I am 99% sure this family member doesn’t read my blog posts so I’m going to share here with minimal information. My 2 sister’s and I are making a quilt. My eldest sister had me buy on a website a cross-stitch pattern on material. The design is stamped onto the material and it will wash off so I had to be careful not to get it wet as I stitched. Here is a photo of one of the squares.

My sister’s were on the phone with me as we scrolled through all the choices and we really liked this cross-stitch pattern with these two colors of blue. I think it turned out great and is beautiful. I stitched 12 squares and it took me 6 months! That is one reason I had to almost stop blogging. I work full time, so I could stitch a little bit before work (but need to take care of Murphy too) and when I got home from work for maybe an hour. Then I had the weekends, but oh my gosh, the time is ticking and I wanted to complete all 12 squares. I could have sent them to my sister’s to finish, but it is my only contribution to the quilt. I realize it is the focal point of the quilt, but it was important to me to complete. It is complete and off to my eldest for her to piece it together with sashing! I’m so EXCITED to see it pieced together!!

My other sister who is my horsey sister and lives in Idaho has a long arm sewing machine. She will be doing the quilting once the quilt is sewn together by my eldest sister who lives in Colorado. This quilt will end up being the traveling quilt by the time it is done! Once completed I know they will send me photos and I can share those and I’ll share more info of the recipient. She will be so surprised and I know will love this quilt made by her Aunties!

Since I am a bit behind in blogging, I’m going to head back to the end of May as we went to Riverside national Cemetery to visit my parents. I was in awe with all the flags which makes sense now. They passed in 2003 so its been 21 years and so the area where they are buried is now full of those who have passed these last 21 years. We do not always visit there on Memorial day, and so you don’t always see all the flags. Anyways, I shared with my family members and sometimes I can’t believe how many years have gone by. I think of them often, in different ways and you never know what memories pop up from time to time. I am so happy we were able to make this visit, it was a beautiful day! ❤

We are back in June and my family and I finally made it to Disneyland and Star Wars! We are huge Star Wars fans, so much so I named my middle son Harrison after Harrison Ford! We are only 35 minutes from Disneyland and I thought we should wait for the crowds to die down before visiting the new Star Wars Land. Well, we ended up waiting 5 years! Haha, not intentionally of course. Mostly just getting busy and trying to get everyone’s schedule together so we could meet up and spend the day there. It was a nice day, not too hot. We went the first week of June! We ended up eating dinner at a nice restaurant at Downtown Disney which is in walking distance just outside the park. After dinner we went back into the park to experience more rides! Fun time for all!

How are you doing? Do you need a refill? I have been making a lot of video’s of Murphy because I created a YouTube channel. I am getting a little obsessed with sharing all things Murphy! Haha, it’s very fun, he is so fun. I so enjoy my time with him and I know he enjoys our time together. ❤ I’ll share a link to one of my most watched video’s which has over 2K views. I now have 18 subscribers and 8.4K views as of today. Its crazy there’s people that watch little old me and my sweet horse when there are thousands on YouTube.

I started the channel in March because I was planning on taking video’s of riding Murphy and entering into some online horse shows. The way you enter is uploading your YouTube video, so I created the channel. It’s morphed into just a place to share all things Murphy as I’m just not that interested in showing at this time. Even if it’s as simple as making a video and entering an online show, I’m just busy enough to not be interested. 😀

Enjoying Murphy in the arena! He is my muse and friend. He loves people and attention!

Speaking of Murphy, a funny story! His stall backs up to an elementary school. He can walk to the back and put his head over the fence and greet anyone who walks up to the fence behind him. School is out now for the summer, but when school is in session he greets all who park in the back of the school. There was a water leak from a sprinkler from the school and the barn manager called the school about it and the next day the security guard was out and about and talked to the barn manager after the repair. He asked her, what’s that big horse’s name over there? He pointed to Murphy and she told him his name. He said he greets us every morning, he is so friendly. He’s so tall you can’t miss him! He wants to meet EVERYONE!

Well, this is long enough and I think I’ve caught you up on the happenings around here. I am riding Murphy and he and I are doing great together. I’ve ended with a few photo’s of him that I took recently. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. I know some are heading into winter as we get on here with summer. Thank you for stopping by and I want to thank Natalie for hosting the #weekendcoffeeshare link up. Have a wonderful week ahead! 😀

Take care my friends,

~Diana ❤

10 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share; Time Flies, June 22, 2024

  1. Tranature - quiet moments in nature

    Thank you for the ice tea Diana and good to see you are all having such fun creating the surprise travelling quilt and meeting up at Disneyland! Murphy is looking so well and loves to be in the shade of that tree 🌳 Great to hear he’s making so many friends at the school behind the barn too 😊 Please give him a big pat from us all 💕🐴 and love and hugs to you all 🤗💖💫 xxx

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    1. Thank you for stopping by Xenia and I’m so happy to share with you all! ❤️ I can’t wait to share the traveling quilt photos once my sister’s complete it. Murphy is so lucky this stables has so many trees! I know he’ll enjoy extra pats and please give Bria pats from us all here. Sending warm hugs and love from my house to yours! ❤️🐴🐾💞

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  2. Maybe you should write a novel!

    The cross stitch pattern and blue colours are lovely. I can’t wait to see the finished result.

    It’s great that Murphy’s paddock is towards the school. Great in so many ways. It is probably stimulating for a young horse to get sp many impressions on a daily basis.

    Thanks for the lemonade, it was very refreshing indeed! We are expecting temps in the high 80’s, low 90’s next week, and I am not excited, since it is my last work week. While working 70 is definitely enough..well, well, almost vacation time 🙂

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    1. Haha, the goal was to someday write a novel when I first started my blog! Maybe someday when I retire. It’s something I could work on!

      And me too! I can’t wait to see the finished quilt and I’ll share photos, I can’t wait! And this was the best move with Murphy. I agree, an enriching environment for him in so many ways! ❤️

      This heat isn’t fun and I hope it doesn’t last too long for either of us. I’m so happy you stopped by and I had something refreshing! Haha! I’m excited for your vacation soon! This week will go by fast I think! 🤗 💞


  3. Welcome back to blogging! Sounds like you have had a productive few months. The traveling cross stitch sounds interesting. Glad you finally made it to the Star Wars attraction. Murphy, the friendly, gentle giant – glad he is doing well. I am sure he is keeping you busy!

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend and have a wonderful week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Trent! I’ve been so darn busy, that stitching turned out all consuming especially near the end. I was so close to being done but it dragged on from one weekend into the next! Haha! Good to finish it!

      Star Wars was so cool to finally see in person, the new rides were worth the waits! I forgot to mention them. Anyways, Murphy does keep me busy, such a fun guy!! I’m having a great weekend and I hope you are too! Have a great week ahead! 😀

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  4. Diana, I have a horse story to share with you. My husband was stopping at a friend’s house to feed the dog. I was with him, but planning to wait in the vehicle. When we drove up this beautiful horse was hanging out by the fence. So, I hopped out and went to say hello. This horse must have been feeling lonely because he loved the attention. When I tried to walk down the fence line to go see a different horse, but he followed me and kept pushing his head at me. So, he got all the attention. Such a funny creature.

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    1. What a great story Shari! 😀 They truly are amazing creatures and can love attention from us humans. It could be people feed them treats and so he may have been extra friendly thinking maybe you had one. Or he just wanted the scratches and pats. They are very smart and can be very friendly. What a sweet encounter you had!! Thanks for sharing your story! I love it! ❤️🐴❤️

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  5. Welcome back to Weekend Coffee Share link-up, Diana! The cross-stitch pattern looks beautiful. I look forward to seeing photos of the finished quilt. It’s a lovely gift that you and your sisters are creating. I’d love to try the new Star Wars rides. I was in Orange County about two weeks ago but didn’t have time to go to Disneyland. It’s great to see video and photos of Murphy. He’s looking strong , handsome and healthy. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Natalie! Good to be back and thank you for your kind comments! Maybe during one of your travels you’ll be able to try the new Star Wars rides. If your a fan, they do not disappoint. The Star Wars area is really immersive making the whole experience fun. We also found since it’s been there for 5 years now, it was less crowded than the rest of the park which was fine with me. I love all the other areas of Disneyland, but really wanted to experience Star Wars! Thanks too about Murphy! He’s been so much fun and helps keep me happy and sane!


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