My Weekly Smile; Sept. 4th, 2023

I am smiling at my beautiful rose blooms. We had some recent summer rains and the plants just love the fresh water. They smell so wonderful! My honeysuckle has been blooming too and I just love the smell as I pick a small flower and enjoy the perfuming smell. I am smiling as I finally got some needed planting done this last weekend.

My hubby’s cousin had sent a living basket in memory of my hubby’s Mom and there were 5 different plants in this basket that were really getting root bound and I’ve been meaning to repot them. Finally, today I was able to get 2 big pots and I split up the plants and I know 4 of them should do great but one was not doing good and I almost didn’t replant it but I thought I would give it a try. We will see if it takes off growing in the new pots. These new pots are large and I figured they can grow for quite awhile before I may need to separate them again. Here is a photo! 😀

I really didn’t want 5 separate pots and I really like the size of these green pots. They were so reasonable and they are plastic made from recycled plastic found in our oceans. I think that is so cool! As you can see in the green pots 4 different plants and the 5th plant is so tiny as it was being squished in the tiny basket you can’t see it in the photo. I will see if it starts to grow and if not it’s okay. The plant in the center on the chair is my arrowhead plant my husband bought for me 34 years ago when our second child was born. I was suffering from post-partem blues and to cheer me up he bought me a living bouquet much like the one that was recently gifted to us by my husbands cousin.

Where I live my outdoor/indoor house plants 😀 thrive under the porch with no direct sun and have grown very large over the years. All of my plants are over 30 years old and now there are new additions which I will have to put in my will for my kids to take care of I’m thinking! Haha, I just love these plants. ❤ ❤ ❤

My sweet kitties bring me huge smiles. I haven’t shared a photo of them in awhile. They are laying there waiting for their dinner. I thought I would try and take a photo and it turned out pretty good. Silly kitties! They are actually sister’s but look nothing alike. They may have different father’s as I heard that can happen too. As I think about what makes me smile, I will end with my sweet Murphy!

Thank you for stopping by my smile post for this week. I think it is good to think about things to be grateful for big and small and the things that make us smile! Have a great week!

Feeling Thankful and Smiling,

~Diana ❤