Weekend Coffee Share; November Fun!

Welcome to my weekend coffee share where we share what’s been happening in our lives. Can I get you a cup of coffee or tea? We had some rain a couple of days ago and it could rain some this weekend too. I can’t believe November is half way through and that the holidays are so near. I am not prepared at all for the holidays, are you? I am going to just take one day at a time and not fret much and try and enjoy this holiday season the best I can this year. Today was truly a beautiful day as the sun shone through lots of floating clouds. The temperature was perfect around 70F/21C degrees, with a slight breeze blowing every once in awhile. This evening as the sun was setting dark clouds were coming and the way the sun shone on the local hills with the clouds I thought would be a pretty picture. The photo above is from my front porch! 😀

I have been keeping really busy at work the last few weeks. There has been some extra training I had to do for employees that have transferred to the Chemistry department at the veterinary lab I work at. I am the senior tech in my department so I often do a lot of training. I do love to teach but it can be stressful when things get busy as we have to run the blood work that comes through while we train. I also had instrument alarms which causes the instruments to either stop functioning or I have to rerun blood work. Either way, just adds stress in our already stressed lives. Enough about work, let me share the fun things I do which helps relieve my stress from work.

It’s been a month since I shared this cross-stitch and you can see I have finished the left side of the piece which is the first photo on the left. The instructions are on 2 pages and what I have completed is on page one and I am now on the second page, so I am excited about working on the bottom half of this project. Here is a photo of the completed project so you can see I am going to be working on the ocean scene and the rest of the saying of this Native American proverb. It is my stress relief, creative love and where I can lose myself in my crafting. It is second to my animal LOVE!

Can I get you a refill as we chat? I am enjoying my coffee and recently have been drinking more decaf as I had noticed that the caffeine in coffee was making me feel more stressed. I absolutely love the flavor of coffee and so by reducing the caffeine I can still enjoy the yumminess. I still drink regular coffee with all its caffeine but I am more strategic as to when I drink it so I don’t get jittery or feel stressed. On to my other love and that would be my sweet guy Murphy!

I am having so much fun with Murphy as we get to ride more often and he is getting use to the stables. The arena has a lot of trees along the fence and the arena is next to another property that has goats roaming around. They can walk very close to the trees so he can barely see them. Today when I rode he spied some movement and did a little spook which included a hop and he switched his lead as he moved off the rail. I didn’t see it but he did and as I brought him back down from the canter and the spook my girlfriend in the arena said the goats are on the move! 😀 It’s all good and his spooks are easy to ride through, and he never gets more up or excited which is a good thing! He’s a good boy!

Murphy is 5 1/2 years old and such a chunky monkey. These photos that I am sharing are from this last weekend and you can see the mounting block in the photo near Murphy. He knows he is suppose to stand next to the mounting block so I can mount up and climb up on his back to ride. I use the stirrup of my saddle as I do this which in the photos my stirrups are tucked up neatly next to the saddle. That’s how we keep the stirrups when we aren’t riding, we slide the stirrup iron up the stirrup leather. He is posing for me and he is most excellent about standing where I ask him too! ❤

I so enjoy sharing all the things I do with Murphy. He has grown up and really filled out, such a big boy. We have a really nice routine at the new barn that I moved to at the beginning of October. Horses thrive with a good routine and our relationship grows every day, we have so much fun together. They say that every day you are with your horse you are training them one way or another, and so I try and be as consistent as I can be with all I do with him. He is a funny guy with a wonderful personality and I am truly grateful for him in my life. ❤

I received this in my WordPress feed and so I thought I would share. I actually didn’t start really blogging until 2017. My daughter encouraged me to write and was the one who told me about WordPress 9 years ago. Funny, she started a blog but never really used it and I am the one who has used it the most. I so enjoy blogging even though it took me a year or so to figure things out. It also took awhile to get some readers and I have to thank each and every one of you for reading and commenting when you do. Thanks for flying with me as they say!! 😀

Thank you for sharing coffee with me and for stopping by. I have to thank Natalie who hosts a link for all of us #weekendcoffeeshare posts. Please visit there (click here) and catch up with others and I will pass the coffee pot on and ask what’s happening in your neck of the woods?

Grateful Horse Crazy Gal,

~Diana ❤