My Weekly Smile; For June 24th – Furry Family!

Welcome to my weekly smile. The first photo here is Murphy from a couple months ago. The barn manager where he lives took this photo and sent it to me when I was visiting my daughter for the weekend. How can you not smile at him. 😀 I like how the photo almost looks like a painting which could be because of the photo being transferred from one media or phone to another. I am so very grateful for Murphy in my life. This week I’m smiling and enjoying all the animals in my life, and decided to start with Murph!

The sister’s are doing great and have the run of the house. As you can see, Dinah is sleeping in a bit, haha! Silly kitties! And here they are with my son. I call him the cat whisperer as they both love him a lot!

The lighting isn’t the best in this photo because it was so bright outside. I still like it though, as the kitties with my son are just adorable. This just makes me SMILE! 😀 They love being around us, especially my son!

Sharing my photo’s of our furry family is so much fun. BZ is doing really good. She is completely healed and going strong. She loves to play with her doggy bed as you can see in the photo. She bites at it and pushes it around. She’s so silly. I hope my smiling post is making you smile too! Haha, I have one more sweet photo that my daughter shared with me and I think it will be a perfect ending to this post.

But before I wrap up this post I wanted to thank everyone here in this blogging community. I want to thank all of you who have given me support in sad and hard times and have been here encouraging me even if its been in liking my blog post. I see everyone, even if there are no comments. I thank you for encouraging the good and fun posts too. I am a positive person and do not like to dwell in sadness but life can sure throw us curveballs. I know this is all just part of life, and I’ve learned over the years it’s okay to feel happy and sad at the same time. I think you know what I mean, and that’s why its good to start each day thinking about what makes you smile?

Isn’t this the best photo! My daughter’s kitties make me SMILE! Keep smiling, laughing, and enjoy each and every day. I also want to thank my sweet family for all of their support as well. I want to thank Trent for creating and hosting the Weekly Smile. Life is to short to not enjoy every day! 😀

Grateful, Smiling, Animal Lover,

~Diana ❤

9 thoughts on “My Weekly Smile; For June 24th – Furry Family!

  1. Furry family members are great :)The sisters are great – I talk more about my dogs than cats, but the cats are always close whenever I am inside, and they always go to the Cape with me, even when I go by myself. Of course can’t leave BZ out. I must have missed that she wasn’t doing well. Glad she is better. And then there is Murphy, such a handsome guy.

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    1. Aww, I know you have a house full of furry family members, and you have shared your kitties, they are so cute! So are you dogs!!! 😀

      So with BZ I shared at the beginning of March on a post called Let’s Skip February, and I shared where BZ was attacked in our front yard by 2 pitbulls. They squeezed under our picket fence and BZ was in her dog house sleeping. It was really horrific, and she was torn up pretty badly. My husband and son took her to the vet for emergency surgery and they stitched her all back up. We are lucky that she had a ton of lose skin that ripped apart. So no vital organs or muscles were injured. She’s also a big dog weighing in at 70lb which helped in her survival. Anyways, I didn’t make mention of it here, and I’m on my phone and don’t know how to add a link here either. BZ was amazing thru the whole ordeal. She had developed an infection and was on 2 different antibiotics and had to have a few surgeries to restitch up the wounds as she healed. I call her my miracle dog! 🥰 She’s 14 this year and am happy she has years more to go as she’s doing so good!! I wasn’t posting a lot back then so I can see how you missed it. February was a bad month for Murphy and I too. He hated the stables I had him at but is now really happy since I’ve moved him!!! So we are all smiling now!!! 😀 I don’t mind sharing this again here in case others missed that post. I know if you search you can read up on it all! Thank you again Trent, for the Weekly Smile!!!

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