My Weekly Smile; For June 24th – Furry Family!

Welcome to my weekly smile. The first photo here is Murphy from a couple months ago. The barn manager where he lives took this photo and sent it to me when I was visiting my daughter for the weekend. How can you not smile at him. 😀 I like how the photo almost looks like a painting which could be because of the photo being transferred from one media or phone to another. I am so very grateful for Murphy in my life. This week I’m smiling and enjoying all the animals in my life, and decided to start with Murph!

The sister’s are doing great and have the run of the house. As you can see, Dinah is sleeping in a bit, haha! Silly kitties! And here they are with my son. I call him the cat whisperer as they both love him a lot!

The lighting isn’t the best in this photo because it was so bright outside. I still like it though, as the kitties with my son are just adorable. This just makes me SMILE! 😀 They love being around us, especially my son!

Sharing my photo’s of our furry family is so much fun. BZ is doing really good. She is completely healed and going strong. She loves to play with her doggy bed as you can see in the photo. She bites at it and pushes it around. She’s so silly. I hope my smiling post is making you smile too! Haha, I have one more sweet photo that my daughter shared with me and I think it will be a perfect ending to this post.

But before I wrap up this post I wanted to thank everyone here in this blogging community. I want to thank all of you who have given me support in sad and hard times and have been here encouraging me even if its been in liking my blog post. I see everyone, even if there are no comments. I thank you for encouraging the good and fun posts too. I am a positive person and do not like to dwell in sadness but life can sure throw us curveballs. I know this is all just part of life, and I’ve learned over the years it’s okay to feel happy and sad at the same time. I think you know what I mean, and that’s why its good to start each day thinking about what makes you smile?

Isn’t this the best photo! My daughter’s kitties make me SMILE! Keep smiling, laughing, and enjoy each and every day. I also want to thank my sweet family for all of their support as well. I want to thank Trent for creating and hosting the Weekly Smile. Life is to short to not enjoy every day! 😀

Grateful, Smiling, Animal Lover,

~Diana ❤

June Gloom, And Finding My Smile

Can you see the clouds in the sky in my photo? It’s what we call June gloom. Every day clouds. Usually we are hitting the high 90’s (32C) in June. We had an incredibly gloomy May, we call it May Grey. It’s really common here to have May Grey and June Gloom every year but usually the sun shines by noon! Not this year, nope, grey clouds all day long. Which leads me to my smiles. Where have they gone? The sun definitely helps me smile and with it’s absence it makes my feelings of sadness intensify as I mourn the loss of my sweet horse Chloe. So I decided it would be cathartic to share a beautiful poem that a friend at the barn gave to me and I wanted it written somewhere so that I can go back and read again. This blog will be the perfect place. And I want to share a few more photos of my girl, I do miss her so much. ❤

                           A Horse's Wish

If the day should come when I'm in pain, And you know I won't be well again, Promise me you will do what must be done, if this is the battle that cannot be won. It'll break your heart, but please be kind, don't let your grieving sway your mind, for this is when, you will let me see, just how much you do love me.

Together we have had happy years, the future now, can hold no fears! Please don't let me suffer so.... When the time comes, please let me go. For a kind vet please will you send? But please stay with me till the very end. Hold me steady and talk to me, till my bright eyes..... no longer see.

In time I hope you'll come to see, it's the last kindest thing you can do for me. One more time please stroke my mane and know that I'll have no more pain. And don't be sad that it was you, who decided this was what to do. We've been such buddies through the years, don't let me be the cause of tears. 

You'll always see me grazing now, with the sun upon my back. Painful limbs won't tire me now, however long the hack. I live now in your heart and mind, a lovely place to stay, and what you have in memories, no one can take away. 

Forever in my heart Miss Chloe!! I just LOVE this memory, what a beautiful girl. Her and I shared so much together. Her life made my life so much richer. She lived through the passing of my Morgan, named Ranger. She was 6 years old when he passed away. He was 19 years old and she saw me through those sad days. Chloe and I rode all over the trails in our town here in Norco, CA. She also helped me get through the passing of my sister’s horse which I adopted and owned for 5 years. Here are some photos of Ranger, Zack and Chloe. Ranger was a sweet boy, Zack and Chloe were quite the pair! ❤

Zack was so attached to Chloe, and Chloe enjoyed his company immensely but wasn’t worried if he wasn’t nearby. Now they are together and how ethereal one of my favorite photos I’ve ever taken when my phone flipped this mirrored photo of my ponies reflections in the pond of water in the arena after a very rainy day. I can’t make it up, the mirror of them is pretty clear and probably why my phone flipped the photo. I especially love Chloe’s face in the reflection, there is just something different and so cool about this photo I thought it would be great to share again, and it makes me smile.

My beautiful horses together again, looking down on us and helping me find my smile. I enjoyed them all so much and they have a safe place in my heart. Thank you for letting me share and reminisce as I shed a few tears… tears of missing them but tears of gratefulness as they brought so much to me in this wonderful life of mine. <3<3<3

It’s been four weeks since I lost my sweet girl and I am finally figuring out a routine with Murphy. It has taken time and I can say that my bond has gotten even stronger with him. Horses are very sensitive and I could tell he knows I feel sad. He has put his head against my chest, his head is huge since he is bigger than the average horse and he would not rest it there for long but long enough to make me feel like I was hugged in a horsey way. He is rather mouthy which means he likes to nibble the lead rope or my sweater but in these recent weeks he has been very gentle and easy with his antics. There is a definite calmness between the two of us as we connect each day. He is helping me find my smile! 😀

These two photos are from this weekend. He was eating his lunch after a lovely ride and after I took the photo of him eating in the bucket, I whistled to him as I wanted him to look at me for another photo. Instead of just looking he walked over to me! Awww, he just melts my heart. The sweetest horse as I snapped the photo as he started to take a step. After I petted his nose he turned around and went back to eating. I’m smiling, it’s the little things. ❤

I am slowly feeling better realizing that life goes on and so onward we must go. I thought by now we would be in the heat of summer but we are continuing with coolness which I am making sure I enjoy. Murphy and I are enjoying each day together which makes me smile!

I think I’m finding my smile ~ 😀

~Diana ❤