Weekend Coffee Share and Square Challenge Fun

Welcome to my weekend coffee share, can I get you a cup of coffee or tea? I thought I would create both a coffee share and use as the square challenge for my blogging friend Becky B’s Square challenge this month too. In order to participate I need to make all my photos in “square” format and then share the theme which is Moving Forward. This could mean Reconstruct, Renew and/or are Burgeoning which is a great Spring theme. As I share coffee and my square theme I think the rose above could be burgeoning with color! I will share more photos that are burgeoning with color and beauty.

I couldn’t resist sharing my garden blooms which always make me smile and make me appreciate what Springtime brings to us as we enter into warmth, sunshine and the beauty of nature that comes this time of year. I can also relate this theme of Moving Forward to my personal life as I had to move forward with my horse Murphy. We were not in a good place back in February where he was so unhappy where he was living that I had to move forward and find him a better place to live. We moved to a beautiful boarding facility just a mile away from where he was at and he is so HAPPY! Here are a few photos of Murphy as our partnership has been renewed!

We have been here at the new barn for 2 months now, and he is flourishing and he and I have a wonderful bond together. I am able to turn him out to run around in the arena which is so important to his mental health. (At the other barn, it was not allowed to turn out in the arena which was hurting his mental health. He was so unhappy as there was no place to really run and stretch his legs!) I’ll share a video here of Murphy lose in the arena. Even though he can run he is often lazy too, which is a good thing. I want a calm, relaxed horse that has the room to run if he so chooses. 😀

Can I get you a refill? I wanted to share my moving forward as I have been talking for years about moving closer to family. We are working harder than ever to make this dream come to fruition hopefully this year. We are wanting to move closer to my daughter who is 3.5 hours north of us here in California. I will have to keep you updated on this process as we are in the beginning stages and months away. I am hoping for a smooth transition as I think moving can be very stressful. We will work hard to keep stress at a minimum. That is very renewing, and a little hard to imagine at this point, so staying positive as we head down this path!

I’ll end with this image of my burgeoning basil and lavender blooms! My camera focused on the basil in the background making the lavender a bit blurry but I thought it was a fun artsy kind of photo. I have this “live focus” on my camera and I think works great on my bigger blooms, haha, tried it on this shot and it’s fun to see how it turns out. I also want to wish all the Mom’s out there a wonderful Happy Mother’s Day!

I thank you for sharing coffee with me today and I hope you enjoyed my renew theme for Becky B’s square challenge. I have to get going here, off to the stables to take care of Murphy and so want to get this finished up and linked up for everyone. Thank you Natalie for the #weekendcoffeeshare link up. I appreciate you all stopping by!

Happy, Renew, Coffee sharing Mom!

~Diana ❤