Weekend Coffee Share And Walktober Fun!

Welcome! Please enjoy a piece of my birthday cake! It actually was the perfect size to share with my daughter last weekend. I really wanted to write last weekend but by the time I returned from visiting my daughter on Sunday and taking care of my horse I ran out of time. I had one last birthday dinner with my hubby and son who I left behind when I visited my daughter up north. That dinner tasted great but we had to wait awhile to be seated and then the service was a little to be desired. It took almost 2 hours to eat which made it too late to write. I am making up for that as this is going to be two blog posts in one as I really wanted to join in on Walktober and share my post with Dawn! Can I get you a cup of coffee or tea as I share the happenings this month of October? I have a nice decaf as its the evening here in CA.

I’m not sure where to start as I believe the Walktober is suppose to be all about the Fall colors that are so vibrant and beautiful in all the areas that have that kind of foliage. Here in Southern California there isn’t much color change at all. We are more desert and I believe way too warm/hot and so I have photos of the new stables I moved to where there are a lot of trees, but they are very green. I was at the beach up North and there isn’t much change there either, or the right kind of trees. It’s still fun to share my area, and the month of October, my favorite month!

My first night at my daughter’s she brought me to Pismo Beach for the most delicious dinner at the Oyster Loft restaurant. She lives just 5 minutes from Pismo and I drove into some fog as you can see in the foggy photos of the town and the Pismo Beach sign. To the right of that sign is the pier and the ocean. We tasted two types of oyster’s with the Morro Bay oyster’s which are at the top of the photo being our favorites! Yummy!! I’ve never had duck, and that grilled duck was absolutely divine. It may not look like much but everything was grilled and the gastrique sauce was so FULL of flavor I couldn’t believe it. I’m thankful my daughter can afford to treat me at these foodie places. I was in foodie heaven!!

My daughter had a tuna tartare with avocado and cucumbers. She said it was delicious but I told her she should taste my duck and she loved it. I gave her a few more bites and later on in the weekend she said she can’t wait to go back to order her own grilled duck. It truly was that good! I’ll go back any day! Haha, I know we are loving something that isn’t seafood at an ocean restaurant, but wait, as I had my favorite seafood dish the next day!

I wish I brought different shoes which would have made my pants look nicer! Haha, the things you think of after the fact. I brought a nice blouse because it was a nicer eatery, and my daughter said the jeans are fine because its the beach. The food I had the whole weekend was definitely the best present my daughter treated and bought for me. Love her so very much! She also bought me a few things I found while we shopped as gifts. Oh she is SO MUCH FUN!! I am hoping some day (in the near future hopefully) we can move up near where she lives so we all can be closer. She is about 3.5 hours away. 😀

We drove to Solvang where we visited our favorite stores. We walked around a bit but spent the most time in our favorite Spice store and book store. I bought one of my favorite spices called Sweetie Tweetie, a blend the store created. I also bought two new spices to try and we also enjoyed the book store in Solvang. Afterwards we went to a Michelin star restaurant near Solvang for lunch. That is the two photos above where she had the egg salad sandwich with a yummy spread and I had the cheese crepe with the roasted tomato’s. We also enjoyed an appetizer of sardines with home made saltine crackers. DELICIOUS! And such a treat!

For my birthday I had my favorite, Pacific sanddabs with sweet potato fries and green beans. The last time I had these sanddabs at Ada’s I had scalloped potatoes as the side dish. We ended up going there for lunch instead of dinner and so I wanted to try a different side and the sweet potato fries were super yummy, the fish was AMAZING! My birthday weekend was so beautiful and it was so great to spend it with my beautiful daughter. I’m so proud of her and her accomplishments as a Major in the Space Force at Vandenberg Space Force Base. She brings me such joy!!

I so wanted to share my birthday weekend last weekend and I am not sure how this falls into Walktober other than it was a fun-filled October event. I know not everyone is a foodie and/or loves food photos but I was excited to share my adventures both in visiting, shopping and of the culinary kind. 😀 I’ll head into the rest of my October which is photos of my horse Murphy at our new boarding facility. There are tons of trees there, but no fall colors to speak of. Haha!

I can’t believe October is almost over and Halloween is next week! CRAZY! This year has flown by and the holiday season is right around the corner. I thank you so much for visiting with me today and I hope your October has been good to you. I will end with this fun photo my sister shared, and I hope she doesn’t mind me sharing here on my blog. It’s a sweet photo of Gracie who is up in horsey heaven now (my best friends horse). She was taught to smile for a treat, and I’m smiling right back! And there is a cool tree in the background!

I have to thank Natalie who hosts the #weekendcoffeeshare link up and for Dawn who is hosting the #walktober and I will share a link to her blog. I also want to thank all my friends and family who made my birthday so special and my sister who shared this photo, which I think of as a gift to me as I just LOVE IT!!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Diana ❤